Tuesday 7 June 2011

Boomerang Kid....

Ok.... so my ego took a hard hit recently. I moved back home. I'm a boomerang kid. I cringe just writing the sentence. I mean it was the smart thing to do, rental prices in Vancouver are crazy and this is my second round of post secondary (I have a BSc in Psychology and the student loans to go with that undergrad). But shit lets be honest, I'm 26 (another thing I cringe at when I write). The choice really came down to the fact my only other real other option was to move into a homeless shelter. I have student loans but they barely cover my tuition let alone, rent, food etc.. So I moved back home with my parents and my brother also moved back home to go to school also, so it's a full house.
Me and Mom (We don't look related)
What takes the edge off is the fact that my family rocks. Apart from a rare squabble here and there we get long great. When we all manage to eat dinner together it's always a good time. I really love spending time with my family and I count myself luck that I have such a great relationship with them. I'm fortunate I also have a few places I can go to hide when I need to get away.
Me and Papa having at laugh at the PNE
Another great thing about moving home is every time I come home I'm greeted by the family dogs; Sam and Pippin. It doesn't matter how bad my day was they always put a smile only face when they run up to the door when I come home. They arn't the brightest dogs; they chase lights, lazers,  and skunks.... I'm not kidding they get liked skunked every second month and it sucks as much as you think it would.
Sam and Pippin, cute as hell not so smart
Anyways. This year I learned the hard way that life rarely goes as you plan, and it's best to let the narrative of life write itself rather than trying to predict them, as that can lead to much heart ache when those stories don't manifest themselves. So I moved back home... it's great.... my ego needs to get over it. Life is good, I'm surrounded by people who love me.
Justin (with Sam), Mom, Papa, Me (with Pippin)

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