Sunday 22 October 2017

Facebook Detox

OK, I've done it, I'm giving up FB until my thesis is done. I did it like 2 minutes ago and I'm already anxious for honestly no good reason. My number one reason is I need to get this fucking thesis done... Cue the going back to blogging as a form of procrastination. Yes, writing here again is that but its writing and my thesis supervisor an incredibly smart woman suggests free writing as a way to improve my writing skills. So I'm going to try and write here when the FB urge is strong. I am also going to write my fucking thesis. Goal is to be done by the end of the year, not defend but finish writing. So Dyslexic Girl is back and she going write a 100 page thesis and then pay someone to edit the thing so I don't up having to defend my use of the word "assess" ;)