Friday 25 May 2012

The Jouney so Far and the New Adventure Begins

Well I'm done school. It's been three crazy years of my life and I really cant believe  it's over. The overused Dickens quote "It was the best of times it was the worst of times", is very applicable.

I can't believe how much we learnt in three years. I went to a code last night as an RT. I felt so proud of myself when someone introduced me as the code RT. I mean shit I've only been working as a real RT for 2 weeks. It's pretty neat but I got orientated to the T12 ward 1st (they have patients on the wards, carry the code pager and attend codes). It was also the very 1st rotation I did in level two as a student. As a student I thought it was the best rotation ever, I had four codes in 3 days. I've come full circle back to T12 now as a staff, it's poetic really and I love T12 just as much. I'm a code junky, high energy, high adrenalin.

Level 2 presented different challenges than level 1. In level 2 you find your groove. You start to put the pieces together, develop a style, carry a patient load. You are no longer learning individual skills but how to put these skills together. You learn to stay calm when shit literally hits the fan. And like all the semesters and levels before you work your ass off. You start feeling like part of the RT team. Level 2 is more self directed learning. If you put yourself out there you get to see cool stuff. I've also learnt that my definition of cool is not everyone else's definition of cool. Oh yeah and I had my OR rotation, I intubated a bunch of people, no big deal. ;)

It was a good year to be a student. We all had multiple job offers for full time positions. I chose VGH because as it would be an easy transition from student to staff as I already knew the hospital. I also really like the staff. Ten of my classmates/friends got hired here with me, so we don't feel like the new staff at all. But let me tell you that first paycheque is amazing. It's been a while since I've seen cash flow and it feels good to have some coming in.

Like I've said before deciding to become an RT was the best choice I've ever made. I scarficed a lot and it was all worth it, because now I have a job that I'm absurdly passionate about and I know that will never change. Not everyone can say they love their job but I can. I am very excited to see what the next year brings as a new staff. I'm told you learn just as much if not more in your 1st year of work than you do as a student. I've always loved adventures.